Monday, March 16, 2009


Well Jason is back home. He made it home safely Friday at 10pm and we got to spend the weekend together. Tonight he is coming home early to help out at the church hopefully for our women's ministry kickoff (helping with childcare). He might be close to home hopefully for the next week or so, which means he is only gone a few nights of the week.

As I mentioned, tonight is our kickoff meeting for our new women's ministry. I'll tell you the name later, we're keeping it a secret, revealing it tonight. I am helping in the communications arena of it, blog, facebook, pictures, etc. I'm also helping design flyers, graphics etc. It's been crazy but rewarding! I am so glad that God saw fit to bring us to Life Church. Whenever I think about our church and our women's ministry, and youth ministry - I get so excited, I can't explain it besides that feeling you get when you are "in love". Aww. Praying for His blessings daily (and receiving them gladly)